Overdraft Account
If You Don't Have Any Money, You Have A Overdraft Account With You!
When the ticket of your favorite team goes on sale, when you run out of money on your Passolig Debit Card, and whenever you need the Overdraft Account with you!
What is Overdraft Account?
It is a credit limit that you can use for your urgent cash needs, ticket purchases, bill payments. Also you can withdraw from the ATM with your Passolig Debit Card when there is not enough balance in your account.
* The above areas of use will be activated if you mark the relevant field while making your KDH application.
What is the Interest on Overdraft Account?
The monthly interest rate for the Overdraft Account is %4.75. (excluding taxes)
Until what day can I close my overdraft account debt?
Overdraft Account Usage Interest Payment; When you use your Overdraft Account limit, your account balance decreases to negative as much as the amount you use. For each day when your account balance is negative, your interest debt is calculated by applying daily interest to your end of day account balance. On the last working day of the month, the interest accumulated due to usage in that month is reflected in your account as debt. At the end of the month, you must deposit the amount equal to the debt interest. In the case of using Overdraft Accounts made on the same day and transferring to a positive balance by depositing money, interest is reflected on the amount used at the end of the day, if the first transaction is the use of Overdraft Account. If your debt is delayed, Aktif Bank has the right to close your Overdraft Account limit. You will not pay any interest or fee unless you use your KDH limit.
Overdraft Account Usage Principal Payment; you must pay the full amount of the principal used from your Overdraft Account limit within 360 (three hundred and sixty) days. If you do not pay, your debt will be delayed. In case your debt becomes delayed, Aktif Bank has the right to close your Credit Support Account limit. Default interest is 2.21%. (excluding taxes)
How can I view my overdraft account interest debt?
At the end of the month, you can view the interest debt reflected due to the use of the Overdraft Account from the account transactions step on our Internet Banking.
How Can I Pay My Overdraft Account Debt?
You can transfer money into your account through Internet Banking.
Branches of Aktifbank,
EFT from any of your accounts held with any other bank
You can deposit money into your account from Pttmatik, VakıfBank ATMs.*
*ATM’lerden tüm para yatırma ve çekme işlemlerine ilişkin güncel masraf tutarlarını görmek için tıklayın.