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Hints for Secure Use

Card Number: It is the dedicated number for Passolig card.

Password: It is the password of your card.

SMS Security Code (OTP): To log in to Passolig Internet Branch, you need to enter the SMS Security Code sent to your registered mobile phone. You will receive different passwords each time you log in. If you do not receive the password, you can request a new password after making sure that your phone's text message memory is not full and that your phone is within network coverage. If the problem persists, you can ask for help from Passolig Customer Service by calling "0850 724 33 44". When necessary, this password procedure may also be used for certain other transactions determined by Passolig for security reasons.

You need to enter the three pieces of above-mentioned information completely and correctly to make a transaction at Passolig Internet Branch.

Session Timeout: In case you forget to log out after completing your Passolig online banking transactions or you stay inactive for a certain period of time during your session, our systems will automatically log you out for security reasons.

Password Blocking: The access to your account is blocked after three failed login attempts on Passolig Internet Banking. To activate your account, you can call Passolig Call Center.

All information you send to Passolig via Passolig Internet Banking is automatically encrypted with SSL protocol before it is sent and they can only be decoded by the correct receiver. Thanks to this process, the privacy and integrity of the information are maintained by a double.

Customers' activities carried out via the electronic banking channels are stored by Passolig in accordance with the laws and Passolig security policies.

During the users' transactions, the password is never displayed on the screen, but it is represented by a series of asterisks to avoid another person from viewing the password.

Passolig, under no circumstances, request through e-mail private customer information such as:

  • Date of birth, Mobile Phone Number, personal information like Contact Information, Credit Card Information, Internet/Telephone Banking Codes and Passwords.

To prevent phishing scams, it is crucial that you do not open the links sent through this kind of hoax emails, that you by no means provide the information requested and that you must inform Passolig immediately.

While using Internet banking, make sure

  • You do not use a shared computer
  • You use a licensed software
  • Your operating system and web browser are up-to-date.
  • Antivirus programs are working and your files are periodically scanned for virus.
  • Firewall is active

In addition,

  • Make a transaction only on computers you know to be secure.
  • Do not enter not-quite-secure websites.
  • Go to our Internet Branch by typing on the address bar without clicking any link.
  • Do not give your personal information like identity card information and credit card information while talking to other people.
  • Use the safe mode while you log out from the websites you enter by introducing yourself (via username, password etc.) and make sure to close the Internet browser.
  • Make sure your code and password do not consist of easy-to-guess information.
  • Do not open emails sent by people you do not know and do not accept the files they send.
  • Do not save your personal and private information on your computer.
  • Delete the content of the Temporary Internet Files to clear the transaction history on your computer.

To delete temporary Internet files;

For Windows 7 and Windows Vista,

  1. Go to "Start", click Control Panel, click "Network and Internet" and then click "Internet Options".
  2. Click "General" and then click "Delete" under "Browsing History"..
  3. Click "Delete all", and then click "Yes" to confirm that you want to delete this information. Finally, click "OK".

For older versions of Windows,

  1. Close all windows of Windows Explorer.
  2. Go to "Start", click Control Panel and then double-click on "Internet Options".
  3. Click "Delete File" under "Temporary Internet Files" in the "General" tab.
  4. Click and select "Delete all offline content" in the "Delete Files" dialog box.
  5. Double-click on "OK".

To view "One-Time Password Application Frequently Asked Questions" click here.

To view the "Security Recommendations for ATM, Internet and Telephone Banking Transactions" document published by The Banks Association of Turkey, click here.

Passolig Cüzdan Prepaid Card;

  • The cardholder bears responsibility of their card as of the time of its delivery or the notification of the virtual card number.
  • You must sign the signature strip on the back of your card.
  • In case of theft or loss of your card, you must call Passolig Communication Center 0850 724 33 44 and deactivate your card.
  • Select a password for your card with numbers easy to remember for you, hard to guess by third parties. If you select your birth year or the same digits, your password will be easier to guess and therefore will be less secure.
  • You must protect your card and password in a safe manner. Do not share your password with third parties and do not write it down.